Thursday, August 2

craziness at work

Today was a crazy day...I was cleaning the slicers at work...minding my own business...when I slipped and sliced my finger!!! OUCH! There was blood everywhere...and I always freak out when there's a lot of blood. Good thing I didn't decide to be a nurse...anyhoo...all the people from the kitchen came running over to look at it. One lady kept telling me I needed to go to the hospital...I wasn't going there for nothing! I hate hospitals...wouldn't go there even if I cut my finger off. So...I ended up putting a big band-aid on it and went back to work. So...that was my craziness for the night. Only two more weeks of work...I just keep telling myself that.
Coach decided she wants all the returning players to come back early and start it looks like I'll be back on the 20th. I always dread the first week of practice...I get so sore I can't even sit down. Oh well...unitl next time! See you all soon!


GottaHaveFaith said...

I'm excited that you are coming back early too. But dont worry about being sore from volleyball because (if you call and make that request) we will be in the same dorm. And who gives the BEST back massages? Yes, I think that would be ME! (not bragging, just speaking the truth) lol

Smiley said...

glad you're coming back early!!! can't wait to see you!!! love ya!

Unknown said...

Oh no!!! Taryn, if I would've been there, I would have...umm, probably dragged you to the ER. Well, if you're in my dorm this year, you can't be doing stuff like that...I hate hospitals too!!! And I'll feel even worse if I have to just let you sit there and bleed to death or something!!!

See ya soon :0)