Wednesday, September 12


Well...we've started off a new season of volleyball. We've got a lot of new freshman this year. All of the girls on the team are sooo sweet and we all have a lot of fun together. Right now our record is 3-1...and we're looking to beat Ohio! I'm really excited about this year...we may not have the record we did last year...but it's going to be a fun season. Anyhoo...tell everyone we have a game this Friday against Kentucky's goint to be a tough game so we need all the help we can get! It's at try to come out! I know this is going to...three people...but you guys just tell everyone about it, ok?
Love you all!


Smiley said...

hey don't worry taryn i'll be there! wouldn't dream of missing it!! i'll be praying for ya!

Unknown said...

Otay...I'll tell everyone, I guess :o)

Cathy Henschen said...

I'm excited for you guys and I hope to go to many of the home games! Hope you win but even more, I hope you have so much fun together.